Beginning of Iran's vitality by becoming a member of Shanghai treaty

July 5, 2023 - 11:33

Kayhan devoted its headline to the formalization of Iran's membership in the Shanghai Regional Organization. It wrote: Considering the policy of the 13th government in the field of foreign relations and prioritizing the expansion of relations with neighboring countries and the region, membership in the Shanghai Regional Organization provides our country with many capacities in the area of development with member countries.

This organization works in many fields, such as the economy, and from now on, Iran can pursue and secure its regional interests in these fields more effectively. Also, our country can play an appropriate economic role in this organization in terms of having suitable infrastructures and rail, road and transit transport networks, airports and ports, especially Chabahar Port at the mouth of the Indian Ocean. On the other hand, the two largest energy-importing countries in the world, China and India, are members of this organization. So, Iran as one of the largest energy exporters, will have good opportunities to strengthen cooperation with these countries within the framework of the Shanghai Organization. The Belt and Road project, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and regional cooperation in other fields are among the other issues that increase the importance of Iran's membership in the Shanghai Organization as a full member.

Iran: With the power diplomacy the doomsday of the Hypocrites is close

In a note, the Iran newspaper discussed the information obtained from the Hypocrites (MKO), which was provided by Albania to the Ministry of Intelligence of Iran and said: It should not be forgotten that what happened in Albania was the result of the power diplomacy of the Islamic Republic and the actions of various institutions of the country. Iran has repeatedly declared that giving sanctuary to these terrorists is costly and that it will retaliate against threats to its security. Adopting this diplomacy by the Iranian authorities made the prime minister of Albania to say that the Hypocrites cannot use Albania to as trench to wage war against the Iranian government, but since they have repeatedly violated these laws, we dealt with them. Due to Iran's strong diplomacy and Albania's cooperation, the hard drives containing the information of the Hypocrites have arrived in Tehran, and we should probably expect new news about the captures of members of this group soon.

Shargh: Europe's efforts against Iran will produce opposite results

In an analysis, Shargh discussed the behind-the-scenes negotiations between Iran and the United States and the recent chaos at the JCPOA negotiating table. The paper said: Besides the claim of the Middle East Eye that bilateral talks has stopped due to the escalation of disputes, now there are news about the possible violation of the JCPOA and the activation of the trigger mechanism by the European troika. In the same context, Homayoun Naserian, an analyst on international affairs, said in a conversation with Shargh that "in the current situation of the war in Ukraine, the Europeans are trying to destabilize the military, defense and security relations between Tehran and Moscow by continuing the missile sanctions on Iran. However, the possible action of Europe in extending sanctions on Iran's missile program will definitely produce the opposite result, and after October 18 (Mehr 26), Russia and Iran will strengthen and intensify their arms relations." On the other hand, in order to maintain the current situation in the energy market and increase the price of gasoline in the United States on the eve of the 2024 elections, the Biden government has advanced negotiations with Iran to prevent nuclear tension and trying to use Iran's capacity to manage the global energy market so that it will not be harmed by the increase in energy prices in the United States during the election days.

Resalat: Failure of American plans with a powerful Iran

In an article, Resalat discussed the failure of American policies against Iran. It wrote: By using the strategy of "Iranophobia" and the “maximum pressure” policy, Trump wanted that no name of Islamic Iran to remain! Following the failure of Trump's strategy against Iran, Biden has tried to replace maximum pressure with the strategy of "smart pressure" in the last two years to set the new strategy as the beginning of "maximum containment" of Iran.
Undoubtedly, a delay by American politicians to recognize the concept of "powerful Iran" and listening to delusional theorists in Washington have led to severe strategic costs for America in the region and the international system. With the failure of America's sinister plans in the region by Iran and efforts by the previous and current American governments to prevent Iran from advancing the "New Middle East", the concept of a powerful Iran is more understandable than ever before for American officials! Undoubtedly, powerful Iran is the code name for the failure of American Republicans and Democrats in the international system.