By Amir Heshmati

Poson in  Sri Lanka: Poson for  today's world

June 13, 2023 - 19:51

Around three centuries BC, Arahat Mahinda brought Buddhism to Sri Lanka. Just around the same time, when the moon is full (early June), the glorious festivities of Poson Dynamic begin in the country.

It is as if there is an unbreakable relationship between the completion of the moon, the completion of spirituality and the completion of the good mood. 

This passion must be brought near to heaven at a peak, while making it visible to all. The summit of Mihintaleh is the junction of the three vertices of the triangle, i.e. the completion of the moon, the completion of spirituality and the completion of the good condition. Decorating the city with lanterns, pondals and charity booths and holding Buddhist teachings is part of the festive program. In the middle of the festivities and in some areas, the sale of meat and alcohol is prohibited so that it remains good, spiritual, and connected to heaven rather than food.

But this celebration shouldn't be just a celebration of the beginning of Buddha in Sri Lanka. The celebration marks the anniversary of the surrender of King Devanampiyatissa to the logic of Arahat Mahinda Thero and the acceptance of peace, peace and anti-war. Mankind has experienced peace and tranquility at many times since the surrender of kings. Whether this surrender was in the form of the delivery of sovereignty or a change in the way of governance. Therefore, today, it is necessary for the people of the world to take a pathological look at their behavior, to come to the points of submission that could be the beginning of the celebration. Surrender to spirituality, peace and calm. This attitude can extend to the great rulers of the world as well. Rulers who, by distancing themselves from spirituality and peace and by political, military and economic means, have now made people bad in significant parts of the world.

In the meantime, the world needs today's fish. Whispering peace in the ears of the rulers. Encourage them to experiment with spirituality, so that the world ahead may be filled with celebrations like the dynamic Poson Poya Feast.