IRISL operating regular shipping line to export Iranian goods to Syria

June 7, 2023 - 16:8

TEHRAN – The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) has announced launching a container shipping line with Syria through which every month a ship will carry Iran’s non-oil goods to the Arab country, IRIB reported.

“For the current year 1402 (started on March 21), a regular program of shipping cargo to Syria has been put on the agenda, based on which, at least one sea voyage every month has been planned to export Iranian goods to this country,” IRISL said in a statement.

As reported, last year IRISL fleet made 14 voyages to Syria to deliver 6,522 TEU of non-oil goods to the country.

Accordingly, this year too, the owners of businesses interested in exporting to Syria can hand over their export cargoes to the national shipping fleet of the Islamic Republic of Iran in coordination with the company’s container shipping department.