The need to end strategic patience towards Baku

May 6, 2023 - 22:44

In a commentary, Vatan-e-Emrooz discussed the ways to make sanctions less effective.

It wrote: If the Islamic Republic of Iran becomes part of the East-West and North-South corridors, the effects of sanctions on the country will be lessened in medium term and introduction of sanctions will be practically impossible in the long term as Iran plays an important role in regional and Asian economies. In view of this fact, it is necessary to pay special attention to increase the speed of Iran's junction to these corridors in the current year.
Certainly, the policy of strategic patience towards Baku has not achieved significant results so far. In fact, the continuation of such a policy will not work and the Islamic Republic of Iran needs to use many other available tools and options.

Sobh-e-No: Victory prayer in the Umayyad mosque

In its editorial, Sobh-e-No addressed Raisi's visit to Syria. It said: A decade ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was planning visit to Damascus after the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, sarcastically said:  "After praying at Saladin Ayubi's grave, we will go to the big yard of the Umayyad Mosque to pray there"!  Now, after 12 years of war in Syria and despite the regional and international enemies against the Assad government, it was Iran that celebrated its victory in Shamat instead, and the president of our country prayed in the Umayyad Mosque.

The Syrian people, along with their supportive resistance front, these days are seeing the result of their years of resistance, and they are reminding their enemies with strength that they will never give up their values, and will stand against any oppression, aggression and imposition of policies.

Ham Mihan: Hidden deterrence 

In an analysis, Ham Mihan addressed the situation of the nuclear case. It wrote: It seems that a direct dialogue between Iran and Washington is unlikely considering the events of the last one year, as some politicians in the government of Raisi believe that there is no need to talk with America. They argue Iran can solve its problems by getting closer to Russia and China.  In terms of geopolitical changes, the rising influence of China and Russia will present suitable economic and security alternatives, which will directly favor Tehran.  Apparently, the Raisi government is no longer interested in having Western companies as its main business partners and it is counting on an economic future dependent on China and a security future dependent on Russia. 

Although reformists did not agree with abandoning the nuclear program, they believed that reviving the JCPOA would bring more benefits to Iran.  Now, with the isolation of this political faction, a group has taken power that is not at all afraid of being isolated by the West.  Rather, with keeping this situation they favor an Iran which is on the verge of nuclear breakout and they are not willing to give up the capabilities they have acquired.  Some of them also believe that this situation gives a kind of hidden deterrence to Iran, which is considered a very valuable defense tool against foreign threats.
Kayhan: It seems that some are upset about humiliation of America! 

Kayhan dedicated its editorial to the president's visit to Syria and said: The recent visit of the Iranian president to Syria, in addition to America and Israel, also had a special message for the Western-leaning groups inside Iran.  Just a few years ago, in the midst of the war between Qassem Soleimani's soldiers and the ISIS terrorists, the radical reformist figures pretending as expert said: "Syria also wants the JCPOA"!  This spectrum claimed that through negotiations with America, the desired result in the region can be achieved with much lower costs! 

America wanted to overthrow the ruling Syrian political system, but Syria persisted and Washington’s attempts ended in failure.  In fact, a global project against the region and Islamic countries failed.  On the contrary, Syria’s power and credibility was significantly improved through an alliance with the resistance and the Islamic Republic. America knows that this issue can be generalized, and for this reason, it is deeply upset about increase and extension of this process to other countries in the region.