Bank loans to economic sectors up 45.3% in a year

May 1, 2023 - 12:5

TEHRAN- Iranian banking system has paid 44.485 quadrillion rials (about $105.916 billion) of facilities in the past Iranian calendar year 1401 (ended on March 20), registering a 45.3-percent rise from the figure in 1400, which was 13.863 quadrillion rials (about $33.007 billion), the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) announced.

As reported, of the total facilities, 37.626 quadrillion rials (about $89.585 billion) equivalent to 84.6 percent, was paid to the business owners (real and legal), and 6.859 quadrillion rials (about $16.330 billion) equivalent to 15.4 percent, to the final consumers (households).