James Preller’s scary tale “One-Eyed Doll” appears in Persian

TEHRAN – “One-Eyed Doll” by American children’s book writer James Preller has been published in Persian.
Cheshmeh is the publisher of the book translated into Persian by Maedeh Mortazavi.
Welcome. Have a seat. The doll will move if you ask nicely. She's got a story to tell. But be warned. One-Eyed Doll isn't just any tale. This is a scary tale.
Meet Malick Rice and his sister, Tiana, two kids who love to hunt for hidden treasure and are about to make their biggest find yet: a small box, tightly locked, buried behind a deserted house; a box meant to stay buried forever… in this bone-chilling tale from James Preller and Iacopo Bruno.
Preller is the author of the popular “Jigsaw Jones” mystery books.
He has also written widely for young readers of all ages, from picture books to young adult novels. Some middle-grade titles include “Blood Mountain”, “Bystander”, named a 2009 Junior Library Guild Selection; “Six Innings”, an ALA Notable Book; “The Courage Test”, a 2016 Junior Library Guild Selection; “The Fall”, a YALSA award-winner; “Better Off Undead”; and, “Before You Go” -- as well as the “Scary Tales” and the “Big Idea Gang” series.
Younger readers might enjoy his pirate-themed books (“A Pirate’s Guide to First Grade”) and an upcoming picture book of haiku, “All Welcome Here”.
He lives in Delmar, New York, and gratefully visits schools around the country.
Photo: Front cover of the Persian edition of James Preller’s book “One-Eyed Doll”.