Hakim: Palestine is an identity that we will not step back or negotiate on

April 15, 2023 - 10:32

Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, leader of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement, said in a message on the occasion of International Quds Day: Quds Day is not a day only for Muslims, it belongs to all the free people of the world.

Ammar al-Hakim added: Quds is a city that brings together divinely revealed religions and it should be a symbol of the coexistence of religions, not that a usurping regime imposes its rule on it and tries to make it a city for followers of just one religion and prevents others from performing their religious and worship ceremonies.

The head of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement stated that the revival of Al-Quds Day means expressing clear opposition to Zionism and its hegemony and domination over Al-Quds, which is an identity for Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, all the free people of the world and cannot be compromised or negotiated.

Hakim emphasized his permanent connection with the sufferings of the Palestinian nation and their Jihads and called the world community, and international, regional, and Islamic entities to work hard to save the Palestinian nation from the daily violation of their rights by the Zionist regime.