Expanding economic diplomacy should be a priority: TCCIMA

TEHRAN – Head of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA) has outlined the priorities that the country’s authorities should pursue in the upcoming year (begins on March 21) among which economic diplomacy is mostly stressed.
The three most important priorities that the policymakers should pursue are to get the economy out of stagnation with the help of collective wisdom, improve foreign relations and expand economic diplomacy while improving public trust, Masoud Khansari said in a statement published on the TCCIMA portal on Friday.
“By accepting the realities about the economic bottlenecks of Iran, the authorities should put proper planning and strict implementation of these plans on the agenda, and by delegating the work to the private sector and removing production obstacles, create a space for economic prosperity, increase in production and exports, and domestic and foreign investment,” the official said.
“Considering our national interests, we should simultaneously expand our diplomatic relations with both the East and the West, and of course the neighboring countries, and prioritize de-escalation to improve the country’s [economic] situation,” he stressed in another part of the statement.
Iran is a country with great potential, and with efficient management and relying on its social capital, especially the young generation, and women, the country can move in the direction of development and become one of the largest economies in the region within a few years, but to reach this goal, there is a serious need for extensive reform, Khansari said.