Iranian doc delves into abortion in U.S.

TEHRAN – In the past couple of years there has been some significant news in relation to abortion laws around the world.
On one hand the repealing of Roe v. Wade and subsequent restrictions on abortion in some US stated have been a source of joy for pro-life activists.
On the other hand, some American states such as New York have legalized abortion up to moment of birth, meaning that fully formed children can now be killed in their mother’s wombs without consequence.
At the same time some international organizations have started pushing for the legalization of abortion in countries where it is still illegal. One example is the WHO, which has called for the legalization of abortion up to birth in all countries.
It was in this environment that a group of Iranian filmmakers decided to join the conversation by producing a documentary, describing the tumultuous history of abortion in the United States.
Directed by Mohammad Khoshdelfar and written by Ali Pourmomen, "Bleeding" tells the history of abortion in the United States, from the sexual revolution up to the repealing of Roe v. Wade.
This documentary covers some of the most important events and milestones of the abortion debate in the United States, including the passing of Roe v wade, the birth of the prolife movement, the defections of senior pro-abortion activists and doctors to the pro-life movement, and the media war between the two sides.
The documentary has been well received both by audiences inside Iran and by pro-life groups around the world.
"Bleeding" has also been aired by the Dutch "Family7" TV network, and has been met with positive feedback from the network's viewers.
"Bleeding" is currently available at the website