Iranian foundation holds conference on MEK role in genocide against Kurds

TEHRAN – An Iranian foundation focusing on studying the crimes of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) has held a conference on the role of the group played on massacring Iraqi Kurds.
The conference, organized by the Terrorspring Foundation, was held from March 1-2 with the participation of scholars from many countries, including France, Italy, and Canada.
“In order to investigate the various aspects of the crimes of the terrorist group of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) in the genocide of the Iraqi Kurds in 1991 and cooperation with Saddam in the massacre of the people of Iran, the Terrorspring Foundation organized an international conference on ‘Crime against humanity: Genocide of Iraqi Kurds by the MEK’ on 1st and 2nd of March 2023,” the foundation said in a statement.
It added, “On the first day of this international conference, speakers from Iran, Iraq and Italy gave speeches, they were Dr. Alireza Abedini, head of the Yassin think tank from Iran, Mr. Ibrahim al-Seraj, head of the Association for the Defense of Journalists’ Rights from Iraq, Professor Lorenzo Maria Pacini, a university professor and the representative of Unidolomiti University from Italy, Mrs. Maria Morigi, writer, archaeologist and researcher of the history of religions from Italy, and Mr. Mohammad Pouladvand, an international relations expert from Terrorspring Institute from Iran. In the following article, we will give a brief description of the speeches of these people.”
According to the foundation, the Mujahedin-e Khalq organization was established in 1965 and their goal was described as fighting against global imperialism, especially America, and fighting against the colonialists of the Eastern and Western blocs, and their approach was armed fighting.
“With the victory of the Islamic revolution, the leaders of the organization, by nurturing the desire for power and monopolization to achieve absolute power and government, stand against the people and the people’s choice and neither accepted the Islamic Republic of Iran nor voted for the constitution. With the processes of brainwashing and changing the ideology from Islamic extremism to Marxism, they made their members unquestioningly obedient to their orders and started blind assassinations, which are known among themselves as engineering operations,” the foundation said.
According to the foundation, the MEK is responsible for the assassination of more than 13 thousand Iranian citizens, including the president and prime minister of Iran, Mohammad Ali Rajaee, Mohammad Bahonar, head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Beheshti, and a number of MPs, ministers and religious scholars.