Domestic production is the antidote to sanctions

January 31, 2023 - 23:9

The last decade has been difficult for the national economy, the Iran newspaper writes.

While the enemy launched a full-scale economic war against us for a decade some experts inside the country thought that all problems would be resolved through relations with other countries.

Exactly eleven years ago, James Clapper, then Director of National Intelligence, and David Petraeus, the head of the CIA, briefed the Senate on the pros and cons of the West's economic war against Iran. First, they suggested that confrontation with Iran should be based on an economic war (and not a military one). Second, the basis of the war is "sanctions". Third, sanctions should be crippling.

But what is the solution? The focus should be on domestic capacities and an "indigenized economy". But some inside, instead of supporting domestic production, openly claimed that "the global economy has passed the point of supporting domestic production for years."

But officials should support domestic production as an “antidote” to sanctions.

Etemad: Attack on Isfahan facility by a country or coalition

In a commentary Etemad writes media say Israel is “responsible” for the attack on a military site in Isfahan.

Israel, the U.S., or the alliance of the two with Ukraine! the newspaper says with an exclamation mark. 

  The Pentagon says that the U.S. was not involved; American sources also said that it was Israel's. Mikhail Podoliak, the adviser to the President of Ukraine, warned Tehran in a way by referring to the attack.

In such a situation, when the facility was targeted  unsuccessfully, the name of Ukraine was placed next to the name of Israel in the speculations. Podoliak considered it a warning to Tehran.

Now there is a question of whether the attack on the facility is a part of "Plan B" by the U.S. President or not.

The attack can be an excuse for Iran to stop arms sales to Russia or instead lead to the strengthening of such cooperation. The export of ballistic missiles to Moscow will put Iran as a violator of UN Security Council Resolution 2231. Such an action can in turn cause a big confrontation.

Tehran has the incentive to use the attack to delay the delivery of missiles to Moscow. At the same time, Iran is apparently waiting for the delivery of Russian fighter jets.

But it seems that the increase in Iran's arms trade with Russia may be dependent to some extent on Ukraine's next actions.

Arman-e-Melli: Europe and Iran issue

The view of the Europeans towards the JCPOA is a prestigious one, Arman-e-Melli said in a commentary.

The Europeans themselves, especially the European troika, engineered the JCPOA and “cannot” withdraw from the nuclear deal or put it out of their agenda. 

Europeans are trying to show themselves as supporters of peace and security, and they cannot afford a military confrontation with other countries. 

 Therefore, they use the carrot and stick policy and it seems that the Europeans are interested in such a strategy toward Tehran.

But why do the Europeans play mischievously with recalling their ambassadors? (Britain recalled its ambassador from Tehran on January 14). These are tactics and part of the political considerations in Europe, and some European countries try to play the role of a good cop and some bad cop and put pressure on the other side to make a decision.

Javan: From the Islamic Revolution to dramatic movement

For several weeks, the counter-revolutionaries, who are completely under the guidance of the intelligence services of the enemies of the Iranian nation, vigorously and with all their strength launched the campaign "I Give Power of Attorney", Javan says.

It is an online campaign in which some exiled Iranians, including artists and athletes, have signed a petition endorsing exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi as their representative to lead a transition from Islamic Republic to secular rule.

The move started after their failure to encourage Iranian to participate in riots in the country. 

This action is not the least socially acceptable.

The Islamic revolution is a continuous, progressive, and deep-rooted movement. The revolution continues with strength and has become a source of confusion and rising fear of the enemies.

Quds: Banking relations with Russia and BRICS is the first step to defeating sanctions

With banking relations between Iran and Russia, the first step was taken to neutralize the sanctions, Quds writes. 

An MOU on banking cooperation between Iran and Russia was signed on Sunday (January 9), so it will facilitate banking transactions between Iran and Russia along with 13 other countries that are part of the Russian banking system.

In an interview with Quds, Mehdi Khorsand, an expert on Eurasia, said: "The biggest advantage of the MOU is that Western sanctions cannot affect it, and our financial institutes will be more widely connected with other Russian institutions and financial organizations." 

"Connection with a big economy can encourage Russian investors to invest in Iran," he commented.

Khorsand said: “The sanctions have been broken with inking the MOU and isolating Iran's economy has failed.”

At the same time, he warned against excessive economic dependence on Russia and said, “We should not put all the eggs in Russia's basket. And to avoid such a mistake, we should develop banking and financial relations with (other) BRICS countries.”