A Love Poem for 16-Year-Olds

The book “A Love Poem for 16-Year-Olds” is about Raziyeh Keshavarz, who was only 16 years old and was martyred in an explosion in Hosseiniye Shahada on May 10, 2007.
* What was it like writing a book about a girl in the same age group as you?
At the time of Raziyeh Keshavarz's martyrdom, I was about 20 years old, whereas she was 16 years old, and when I decided to write about her, I was close to 27 years old. After collecting relevant materials, interviewing her family and friends, I started writing the book.
* Did you get a chance to see Miss. Keshavarz during her lifetime?
Unfortunately; No.
* What was her most important feature in your opinion?
The most important thing I noticed about her was her performance, that is, she quickly planned to achieve her goals once she learned a moral or spiritual point. Another interesting aspect of her life was her deep love for Imam Mahdi.
* What was the response to your book?
Since the Coronavirus was in full swing during the publication of the book, the conditions were not normal, and therefore the book was not introduced as should be, and so the launch program was not held. I believe, and Mr. Khalili, the head of Shahid Kazemi Publishing House agrees, that this book is well received for all these reasons, despite all the tough situations.
* What was your reaction to the arrest of the leader of the terrorist group Tonder, who caused the explosion in Shahada?
The equipment of martyrs, mines, mortars, and guns were kept at the end of Hosseiniyeh in an exhibition called "Martyrs' Ascension." As a result, Shiraz and the whole country were under the impression that this disaster had been caused by things in the exhibition. So, when the perpetrators of the incident were arrested after a few months, it was proved that the small exhibition was not the cause of the explosion.
Now that the leader of this terrorist group has been found, we are really happy that after 12 years, the main person responsible for this incident was arrested.