10 steps of the West to support chaos in Iran

TEHRAN- In a commentary, the Iran newspaper listed the actions of the United States and Europe in supporting the riots in Iran, which include;
- Leaving the negotiation table
- Secret and unsuccessful meeting of the Security Council
- Unveiling new opposition
- Unsuccessful attempt to recognize the separatists
- Attacking Iranian embassies and cultural centers
- Letting to the counter-revolutionaries to demonstrate on the streets of Berlin and Vancouver
- Vote against Iran in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- Media support for armed terrorist groups
- Sanctioning Iran in support of rioters
- Political sponsorship of the murderers of Iran's security forces
Hamshahri: Women's jihad for clarification
In the editorial, Hamshahri writes about the way Islam and the West look at women: "It is a must for all the educated women of Iran to explain with their scientific and media capabilities and by using the hashtag Western woman (#western_woman), to launch a discussion regarding the insulting view of Western civilization towards women and the lifestyle of Western women."
Arman-e Emrooz: Women’s status in Iran
Farzaneh Torkan, a reformist political, and women's rights activist, says Iranian women have made considerable progress in areas of culture, science and education in the recent decades. She says this progress is chiefly due to the Islamic Revolution.
"A careful assessment of the progress and freedoms of women in recent decades shows that they have made good progress in culture, education, science, etc. and the women's literacy and their job opportunities in universities…," Farzaneh Torkan writes in Arman-e- Emrooz.
She continues: "The reason for this growth and development is, first of all, the Islamic revolution, and secondly, it originates from global growth and development. But with the growth, some limitations and challenges have also emerged, which has caused dissatisfaction among women in Iran."
For example, in government bodies and organizations, a “glass ceiling” is considered for women that they cannot and are not allowed to cross and grow.
Arman-e Melli: If parties fail to agree on JCPOA, they will consider plan B
The possibility of fully reviving the JCPOA is very weak, writes Arman-e Melli.
"Probably if the parties cannot reach an agreement regarding the nuclear deal and JCPOA, they will enter a new phase, Plan B. In that phase, Western countries intend to stop Iran's enrichment level. They also offer concessions to Tehran, for example, allowing the customers to buy oil from Iran in a limited way and pay the money for it. Although the domains of the agreement will be limited, it will strengthen Iran's economy because it will sell oil," the newspaper writes.
Vatan-Emrooz: Ex-US officials under shadow of revenge for martyr Soleimani
The U.S. government has again extended protection for former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and his top Iran aide due to persistent threats against them from Iran.
Vatan-Emrooz discussed the consequences of the assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani for the Americans involved in this crime and wrote that the 24-hour protection for Pompeo and Brian Hook costs $2 million per month.
The newspaper said: "The third anniversary of the martyrdom of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani by the U.S. terrorist army was held while the former U.S. officials, who were involved in the assassination of Martyr Soleimani, are still living with the nightmare of Iran's revenge.
Iranian authorities, including the president and military commanders, have repeatedly pointed out that the assassins of Martyr Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis cannot escape Iran's revenge. For this reason, Trump, the former president, Pompeo, and Hook, as the main perpetrators of the assassination of Martyr Soleimani, are most afraid of Iran's revenge, and that is why the United States has taken special measures to protect their worthless lives."