All are equal but some are more equal!

TEHRAN--Today, December 10, is named as “Human Rights Day” by the United Nations. One of the characteristics of today's world is the distraction of phrases from their true meaning: Freedom, democracy, human rights and so on.
Today, countries in the world which are allegedly carrying the epithet of human rights and misusing such a title against the other countries, their hands were soaked in the blood of others until recently, vowing to exert additional pressure on the people of Iran with the same political machinations.
In other words, those countries who cannot bear slight anti-security measures in their own countries, encourage chaos and insecurity in other countries. For example, the approach of Germany, which has arrested 25 individuals on the charges of seeking to topple the government, should be taken into consideration. It continues to launch a propaganda campaign to promote killing of innocent people in their media platforms. Afterwards, they become advocates of human rights in the light of any bloodshed.
The checkered history of the last three hundred years of the West is bridled with open and widespread crimes against humanity. If the Western countries have wealth and power today, one of the main reasons lies in the looting of other nations that continued until the middle of the 20th century. Albeit, the colonialism seems to have ended in its past forms. But its new and modern fashions are lingering intensively.
The plight of the oppressed Palestinian people in the past 70 years, in which there was almost no day in which a Palestinian was not killed, injured or arrested by the Israeli army, and the way the West faced it on a daily basis is regarded as one of the indicators for calibrating the level of sincerity of the West in the realm of human rights.
Every ten minutes, a child succumbs to death in Yemen owing to the war waged by the Saudi-led coalition with the support of its Western allies. Millions of Yemenis have been under siege for more than seven years and tens of thousands have died during such an unequal war.
In the meantime, Riyadh deceived Jamal Khashoggi, a slightly critical journalist, into Turkey and dismembered him with a saw in a diplomatic place - the Saudi consulate in Istanbul - and dissolved the remains of the body in acid until not even a knuckle is left.
In the end, what is the confrontation of the West, especially America, with such a heinous act of crime? Granting political and even judicial immunity to Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, as the mastermind of this horrible crime. Of course, such a devilish conduct from America cannot take anyone by surprise.
Furthermore, how can a country whose hands are stained with the blood of hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan and Iraq and has committed all these crimes in the name of freedom and democracy, be a true defender of human rights?
In today's world, if a country fares well in the Western camp for their interests, it will receive green light for any crime without being punished. However, if it moves against the current tide of Western countries, they will file a case against that country, making it as a pretext for putting extra political and economic pressure. Yeap! This is the American version of human rights.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a creditor and not a debtor in the field of human rights. Who assassinated more than 17 thousand Iranian citizens in the early years of the 1979 revolution? Where does that terrorist group of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) reside now and from which countries it receives support and assistance?
In today's world, human rights and international-related institutions which are often under the tutelage of the West, are in practice a tool to advance the policies of countries wielding power and influence against the other nations.
In the new world order led by the U.S. and Western version of human rights, which is actually nothing but a law of the jungle – might is right- as George Orwell said in his book Animal Farm: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others!