Foes’ three post-riot plans

December 5, 2022 - 22:47

The state-run Iran newspaper analyzed the country’s recent unrest and wrote that the enemies have three plans for the post-riot period. 

“In order to complete the puzzle of his psychological operations against Iran, the enemy will have three scenarios for the post-riot period, the first one indicates psychological operations on officials and decision-making centers in order to make the situation appear to be special and emergency and take ransom. However, not long ago, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution gave a warning in this direction ‘a zealous Iranian will not pay ransom to America.’

Start chaos and stir up trouble against Iran or create problems for the diplomats through holding international meetings.
And given the public opinion atmosphere in the country, enemies will continue to prepare and embed bipolarities in order to keep the so-called line of tension and intellectual distortion between the people,” the newspaper argued.

Hamshahri: A suggestion to subversives

The Hamshahri newspaper, which mostly reflects the views of the Tehran Municipality, in its editorial, addressed the subversives and gave them some advice. 
“If you decide to subvert for any reason, take this suggestion seriously. It is really honest and benevolent. Mercenary media stream is not kind to anyone, not even you subversives. They are not living in Iran themselves, and they are seductively inciting some people from afar to get into trouble and get arrested, and thus they get overtime.
But what is the simple suggestion? Take the Islamic Revolution as a role model. We may not remember those days exactly. Some have a cartoon in their mind and really think that there will be a revolution by going to the rooftops and painting walls and coming to the streets in the neighborhoods and lighting fires. It is not so. Those were the output of a larger event, what the subversives lack today.
What did the Islamic Revolution come from? Let’s refer to the narration of its Leader. He said that our revolution arose from an inner desire. The internal evolution of humans. Therefore, those who made the revolution were in the nightclubs before, but they underwent a spiritual transformation and grew. In short, the revolution of those days was the result of the personal revolution.
With this explanation, I suggest that instead of attacking security forces, killing people, threatening grocers and traders, harming truck drivers, etc., try to bring the people together. A strike is not forced. Forced revolution does not happen anywhere. People also do not become aware with lies. Awareness does not happen with the promotion of ignorance.”

Etemad: Threat and opportunity

The reformist Etemad newspaper has interviewed Mohsen Mirdamadi, a former lawmaker, about the recent unrest in the country. 

“These conditions can be both a threat and an opportunity for a political system, it depends on how the decision makers behave in the face of the events. The recent protests, with all their scope and duration, which reached more than 80 days and was unprecedented in the whole life of the Islamic Republic, are very important. 

When these propositions are put together, it can be an opportunity for the government to think about its mistakes and shortcomings. The government should not think that every decision it made and every behavior it did was right. They must accept the mistakes that have deepened the grievances and provide the basis for their correction. They should not think that returning from a mistake is dangerous. It is definitely more dangerous to insist on a mistake and continue it. If the government reaches such a point, path and solution, it is definitely an opportunity for the society and the government, and it can reduce dissatisfaction and restore people’s hope,” Mirdamadi said in part of his interview.

Kayhan: Western countries must pay

Hossein Shariatmadari, the editor-in-chief of the conservative Kayhan newspaper, wrote it is wrong to send unarmed security forces to confront rioters. He also said that Western countries supporting riots must pay for their actions.

“In the meantime, one should not be unaware of the malice of external enemies and their officially announced and open support for chaos and unrest. As Imam Khomeini said: ‘do not leave the enemy alone, because he will not leave you alone. 

Which problem is solved by summoning the ambassadors of European countries to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?! They are involved in the killing of our country’s citizens and the many damages caused and based on the principle of ‘retaliation’ which is also recognized in international law, they must pay the consequences and cost of the crimes they have committed.
The Islamic Republic has many repentant levers to deal with these countries, why should these levers not be used?” he claimed.

Vatan-e Emrooz: Riotous reforms

The conservative Vatan-e Emrooz criticized the role of reformist media in reproducing the discourse of chaos.
“A part of the reformist political faction uses its political-media capacities against the current of the Islamic revolution and acts in harmony with the groups opposed to the revolution, although it presents itself as sympathetic to the Islamic Revolution.
In most cases, including the decisive moments, the radical reformist current, is one of the main groups that have imposed irreparable costs on the Islamic Revolution by using the official facilities,” the author wrote.