Ayatollah Khamenei’s team to Sistan-Baluchestan releases statement

December 2, 2022 - 18:14

TEHRAN- A team who had been sent by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to the border province of Sistan-Baluchestan issued a statement.

It is highlighted in the statement that “after accurate investigations of the recent uprisings in the region, a delegation detached to the strife-torn regions, conducted a survey surrounding the recent disturbances and made a final report.” 

It added, “After having several meetings with high-prolife figures of the province, the final report was tendered to the Leader of Islamic Revolution.”

“We came to convey the Leader’s grief over the tragedies that occurred” in the province,” said Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Akbari, spokesperson for the delegation. 

The delegation touched upon four remarks made by the Leader: 

1. Discharging those who are not pleaded guilty to felonies or failed to perpetrate acute crimes. 

2. Decisive punishments for ringleaders.

3. Taking care of the injured. 

4. Bestowing the title of “martyr” to innocent victims