Iran suggests cooperation with Afghanistan in combating terror

November 21, 2022 - 19:54

TEHRAN - The Iranian special envoy for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, has proposed the formation of a joint committee with the Afghan authorities with the aim of jointly combatting terrorism.

In comments after attending the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan, Kazemi Qomi said it is necessary for Iran and Afghanistan to set up a joint security and information exchange committee to counter terrorist threats.

He also urged that the neighbors of Afghanistan should provide assistance to Afghanistan within the framework of a coordination or security committee.

The neighbors of Afghanistan can cooperate with Kabul by training the country’s security forces, exchanging information, and providing equipment, he added, according to a Tasnim report. 

Terrorism is not confined to boundaries so instability and lack of security in Afghanistan will affect its neighbors and the entire region, Kazemi Qomi warned, noting that the stability of Afghanistan directly depends on the formation of an inclusive and popular government in that country.

The Iranian envoy went on to say that the initiatives developed during the Moscow format meeting do not mean interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. Instead, he said, they could help improve the conditions in that country.

Kazemi Qomi had said earlier that Tehran is planning to hold a big international meeting on Afghanistan at the level of foreign ministers.

Speaking at the Moscow format meeting on Afghanistan, Kazemi Qomi said, “Iran is planning to hold a big meeting on Afghanistan at the level of foreign ministers in the near future in order to contribute to the improvement and stability of Afghanistan.”

He also said that what is happening in Afghanistan is the result of 20 years of the American occupation of Afghanistan, according to IRNA. 

“Time passes very quickly and if we fail to manage the situation in Afghanistan, the situation will get worse,” he said at the meeting.