Festival des 3 Continents picks “Scent of Wind”, “Here My Village”

November 4, 2022 - 17:54

TEHRAN – The Iranian movies “Scent of Wind” and “Here My Village” will be screened in different sections of the Festival des 3 Continents.

The winner of the Kim Jiseok Award at the 2022 Busan International Film Festival, “Scent of Wind” will be competing in the official section of the festival, which will take place from November 18 to 27 in Nantes, France.

Directed and written by Hadi Mohaqeq, the film’s story is set in a distant Iranian village where a paralyzed man collects herbal medicine in the mountains for making his living with his sick child. The electricity goes off in his house and an electrician comes to fix it. Unfortunately, the problem is bigger than what was anticipated and may take days to be resolved. When he sees the child on the sickbed, he feels committed to doing whatever he can to bring the electricity back. However, he has a tough job ahead with facing nature and some unexpected events.  

“Here My Village” by Abbas Aram will be shown in First Steps Towards the 3 Continents, a section dedicated to offering a selection of films for children aged 3 and up and their families.

The film tells the story of Farhad, a 12-year-old boy who lives with his mother and younger sister in a remote village in Iran. Fascinated by photography and inspired by foreign magazines brought to him by a suitor of his mother, he decided to become a photographer. His mother disapproves of his passion but he does everything possible to buy a camera. With his thirst for life and his overflowing curiosity, he will try to realize his dreams.

The film won awards in four categories, including best director and best story, at the 2019 Smile International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFFCY) in New Delhi, India.

Founded by Philippe and Alain Jalladeau in 1979, the Festival des 3 Continents is an annual film festival devoted to the cinemas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. 

Photo: “Scent of Wind” by Iranian director Hadi Mohaqeq.