Ambassador: US move to arrange UN meeting on Iran is illegal
‘The move by Washington is just sheer hypocrisy’

TEHRAN — In a letter to all United Nations members, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Amir Saeed Iravani has called on the international body to put an end to the illegal demands by the United States to hold an informal meeting on the unrest in Iran.
In his letter on Monday, Iravani stated that the joint effort by Washington and Tirana to hold such a meeting of the UN Security Council is illegal.
Below is the text of Iravani’s letter:
I am writing to you regarding the Arria-formula meeting entitled "Ongoing Protests in Iran", scheduled for 2 November 2022. The U.S., as the sponsor of this meeting, through its mischievous disinformation campaign, has claimed that the event is aimed at protecting the rights of Iranian women. This is but sheer hypocrisy. Misusing such valuable concepts as human rights and abusing the UN resources, the U.S. is in fact furthering its decades-long animosity towards the Iranian people.
Contrary to unfounded accusations of the U.S. against Iran, my Government has always been and continues to be, fully committed to the promotion and protection of human rights as well as fulfilling its relevant obligations under international legally binding instruments on human rights.
“The U.S. has no true and genuine concern about the human rights situation in Iran or elsewhere.”The right to free expression and peaceful assembly has been recognized and ensured by the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the enjoyment of our people of this rights has always been supported by the Government, the living example of which is many peaceful assemblies that have taken place around Iran.
At the same time, vandalism and damaging public and private properties, including setting fire to ambulances, public transportation vehicles, banks, and public service centers, and above all, committing terrorist acts - the latest example of which was the killing of 15 and injuring nearly 30 civilians including women and children by the ISIS elements in a religious site in Shiraz (Iran) - are against the provisions enshrined in the law for maintaining public order and security and jeopardizes the security of the citizens. Every government is responsible to protect its people against such violent acts and securing the law and order, and Iran is no exception.
The tragic death of Ms. Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian girl, has broken the hearts of all Iranians including the officials. While a thorough investigation was carried out to determine the circumstances leading to this incident - the preliminary findings of which have been issued publicly - my Government continues to develop and implement all necessary precautionary measures to ensure that such an incident will never happen again.
In the context of the UN General Assembly, there are currently a number of mechanisms in place to monitor, promote, and safeguard human rights situations in countries. One can refer to the Universal Periodic Review - a transparent and universal mechanism based on collaboration, interactive dialogue, and equal treatment of all states - which examines the human rights situation in all UN Member States, including Iran, on a regular basis and provides an opportunity for improving human rights through the adoption of appropriate measures. Acknowledging the importance of ensuring universality, objectivity, and non-selectivity in the consideration of human rights issues in relevant forums, Iran has consistently given constructive and voluntary cooperation within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review, as well as prompt submission of its periodic report.
“Such a move constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and would indeed set a dangerous precedent.”Nevertheless, addressing internal issues of States by the Security Council, including through establishing an artificial link between such issues with international peace and security, would not only be counterproductive to the promotion of human rights but also undermines the already existing effective mechanisms. Above all, it would definitely run counter to the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations explicitly enshrined in its charter, one of which is the cardinal principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States, which must be fully respected by all the UN Member States and all Organs of the United Nations.
Against this backdrop, attempts to hold the above-mentioned meeting by the United States constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and international law, and would indeed set a dangerous precedent, which must not be tolerated by the Member States.
The U.S. has no true and genuine concern about the human rights situation in Iran or elsewhere. The U.S. is claiming to defend the Iranian women, who continue to seriously suffer from the decades-long inhumane sanctions of the United States: a real war wherein actual warfare is replaced with food and medicine. This indeed is even beyond double standards, or political and selective approach towards human rights; it is a war crime. With such a dark record, the United States lacks the political, moral, and legal qualifications to hold such a meeting, distorting the very basic principles of human rights.
Accordingly, I kindly request your distinguished delegation to refrain from taking any action that may contribute to the holding of this meeting, and thus assist in setting such a dangerous precedent. I further strongly urge your distinguished delegation to disassociate itself from and explicitly object to such reckless and dangerous practices through which the U.S. attempts to create such a dangerous precedent and politicize human rights issues in order to achieve its political agenda.