Raisi receives credentials of new Kuwaiti ambassador

October 26, 2022 - 18:27

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday received the credentials of the new Kuwaiti ambassador to Tehran, Badr Abdullah al-Munikh.

Kuwait promoted its diplomatic relations with Iran to the level of ambassador in August after it recalled its ambassador from Tehran following a raid on the Saudi embassy in Tehran in 2016 in protest over the execution of 47 pro-democracy activists, including cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

However, relations between Iran and its maritime neighbors in the south has started warming. The UAE ambassador to Tehran, Saif al-Zaabi, also arrived in Tehran to resume his work after six years. 

At the meeting with the Kuwaiti ambassador, Raisi said disruptive measures by the enemies will never deter Iran's desire to strengthen regional cooperation.

Raisi also said that the most effective response to challenges is dialogue between neighbors and development of regional cooperation.

“The path of brotherhood and development of regional cooperation is the main agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy, and the obstructive actions of the enemies will not disrupt this process,” the president highlighted.

Iran and Kuwait have strong ties that are founded on shared ideologies and cultural norms, Raisi said. 

The president stated that Iran has always been a friend to its neighbors in difficult times, and that dialogue between neighbors and the promotion of regional cooperation is the most effective solution to problems. 

He added "interference of outsiders in regional issues not only has not solved the problem, but has always caused problems."

Raisi stressed, “Although building trust in bilateral relations is the starting point of all-round regional cooperation, the enemies, who could not disrupt the will created between the governments of the region for effective interaction, are trying to use deceptive tricks to hamper development and consolidation of regional cooperation, which will not succeed.”

During the meeting, the new Kuwaiti ambassador, while conveying the greetings of his country’s Emir and Crown Prince, told President Raisi that he has come to Tehran with the mission to strengthen relations, and that he intends to open a broader perspective and horizon in the two countries' relations.

Ambassador Badr Abdullah al-Munikh remarked that his country, while embracing Iran's principled stance for dialogue, feels that the ideal way is to tackle regional challenges and promote regional cooperation via conversation.

The ambassador also praised the Iranian president’s policy to prioritize dialogue and cooperation with regional countries.

Badr Abdullah al-Munikh met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian in mid-August and submitted a copy of his credentials to him.