By Mehran Shamsuddin

Unity key to Sublime Position in a Changing World: Leader

October 14, 2022 - 22:16

TEHRAN – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has explained how Muslims can secure a sublime position in a world in transition.

The global transition from unipolar world order to a multipolar one has now become the gospel truth, with China ascending globally and Russia challenging the West forcefully. But how Muslims can secure a front-row seat in this once-in-a-century transition?

Ayatollah Khamenei answered this strategic question in his Friday speech before Muslim scholars participating in a pro-unity conference held by Iran. 

The 36th International Islamic Unity Conference was held in Tehran on Wednesday and Thursday with Iranian President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi as the key speaker. The participants of the conference, the heads of the three branches of government (judiciary, executive, and legislative) and a group of government officials met with Ayatollah Khamenei on Friday on the occasion of the birth anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Sadiq (pbuh).

In his speech, the Leader spoke about the character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). “The Holy Prophet’s character is unique in the entire universe. His birthday is a very important, great day. Calling the birthday of the Prophet an Eid is not just for holding a celebration and commemorating him. It is also for learning from him and setting the Prophet as an example,” he said, according to a readout of the speech put out by “One of the lessons from Prophet Muhammad for the Islamic nation is, ‘The Prophet grieves for your suffering’ (Quran 9:128). Of course, this doesn’t just refer to Muslims at the time of the Prophet. It means the sufferings of the Muslims in Palestine, Myanmar, etc. today grieve his pure soul.”

Ayatollah Khamenei then addressed the suffering of present-day Muslims and linked it to global imperialism. “Global imperialism rejoices at the suffering of Muslims. Why are Muslim nations suffering like this? Why are the Muslims suffering economically, politically, and from aggression, colonialism, civil wars, etc.? One of the most important reasons is the division of the Muslims,” he said, adding, “The Muslim nations’ current sufferings are due to their division. This is what happens when we’re divided, not concerned about each other, and even hostile to each other at times. The Quran says, ‘When you’re divided, you’ll be humiliated.’ Thus, you’ll help others to dominate you.”

The Leader also pointed to how the enemy sows division among Muslims. He said the enemy does not want to see Muslims united. Instead, it wants them disunited. Furthermore, the enemy planted Israel in the region to serve as a base for the West, according to the Leader. 

“The enemy wants the opposite of unity between Muslims today. They created a cancerous cell in the region, the Zionist regime, to serve as a base for Western enmity against Islam. They brought the murderous, brutal Zionists to oppressed Palestine creating a fake government to do this,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. 

In this context, the Leader addressed the trend of normalization between Israel and some Arab states. He said normalization with Israel is an act of treason. 

“The enemies are working to do something so that the Zionist regime, this cancerous cell, won’t be called ‘the enemy’ anymore. They wish to create more discord between the countries of the region. These normalizations are one of the biggest acts of treachery against the Muslims,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Since 2020, some Arab states, namely Bahrain, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, and Sudan, have moved to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel despite warnings from Iran and discontent in Arab public opinion.