U.S., Israel behind riots in Iran: security official

October 9, 2022 - 21:22

TEHRAN – A senior Iranian security official has said that the United States and Israel are behind the wave of riots that rocked Iran over the last weeks. 

Iran’s Deputy Interior Minister for Security and Police Affairs, Majid Mirahmadi, confirmed that the U.S., Israel and their allies are running the riot operations room in the country, Fars News reported. 

Mirahmadi averred that in the recent riots, the war room and the leadership of the scene were in the hands of America, the Zionist regime and their allies.

“Enemies target the security and stability of the country and make it unsafe. It doesn't matter to them whether this insecurity is for a woman who wears a headscarf or has little adherence to the veil, or a Shiite or a Sunni person,” he said. 

He added, “From the enemies' point of view, this insecurity must develop in every neighborhood and point. The most important issue is the psychological warfare the enemies are waging with their own media, considering the huge investments they have made on Persian-speaking satellite media.”

The deputy interior minister stated that in the recent riots the enemies in particular carried out the murder-producing project. “The enemies took to the field unprecedentedly with all their energies, openly and covertly; our enemies do not hesitate to announce that they have used all their financial and media capabilities to destabilize Iran,” he said. 

Mirahmadi affirmed the foiling of the enemies' plots with the vigilance of the people, saying, “Yesterday, with the exception of the cities of Tehran and Sanandaj, where we witnessed brief and scattered disturbances, security is established in the whole country, and the enemy really failed in this new conspiracy.”

Referring to citizens' demands from law enforcement and security agencies to eradicate the recent state of lawlessness, he said, “In the past days, problems emerged for students and businesses, and these disturbances had negative effects on the economic activities of the people. Citizens repeatedly ask that the roots of these insecurity that arose for a brief period in the country be drained as soon as possible.”

The security official stated that the rioters created problems for the citizens. “God willing, these rioters will be dealt with decisively. From now on, the detainees at the scene of the riots will not be released until the trial and their trials will be held quickly and very decisive and deterring sentences will be issued against them.”

He said, “The elements who undermine security are trying to implement the plans of the enemies of the people, especially America and the Zionist entity [Israel], and they will be dealt with decisively.”