Iran reminds Ottawa: Mass graves of Native children found in Canada still fresh in minds

October 6, 2022 - 15:31

TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Thursday lambasted Canada for its dark record of human rights in the course of history, saying the world has not yet forgotten that hundreds of thousands of aboriginal children were forcefully separated from their families and bodies of hundreds of them were discovered in mass graves last year.

“People in the world have not yet forgotten the sad narratives of separating more than 150,000 Native Americans from their families by force and the scandal of finding the mass graves of hundreds of these children in Canada’s ‘residential schools’ last year,” Kanaani wrote in a post on his Instagram account.

The remarks by Kanaani came after Canada imposed sanctions on a wide range of Iranian institutions and persons over alleged “rights violations” following the recent violent protests in Iran that have led to the murder of security forces.

Kanaani went on to say that while human rights has become a tool to exert political pressure on other countries, the media empire of the hegemonic system helps the systematic violators of human rights pretend as claimants.

“When human rights become a plaything and a tool to exert political pressure on others, the media empire of the hegemonic system also helps those accused of systematic human rights violations to stand in the position of plaintiffs,”  the spokesman stated.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman went on to say that hiding behind claims against others will not change the reality, reminding Washington that Israel as one of its closest allies has got the title a “child-killing” regime.

“Blurting out words about other countries and hiding behind accusations against others will not change the fact that behind the window of human rights in one of the American government’s closest allies, child killing and disregard for humanity is showing,” Kanaani stated, according to Press TV.