Winning a bronze medal in the filmmaking competition by jondishapour Trade History Museum
According to Nafte Ma, during this period of the festival, which is held every three years, Jondishapour Trade History Museum of Shiraz won the bronze medal in the filmmaking competition.
At this festival, which was held in the city of Prague, Jondishapour Museum’s short film (A Simple Object) produced and written by Ava Roodani, won the bronze medal.
Also, this award was presented to the director of the museum, Mrs. Sahar Farozanpour, on behalf of the Jondishapour Trade History Museum.
The awards ceremony and honoring of the winners was held on August 25 in Prague, Czech Republic, at the 26th ICOM conference, at the National Technical Museum.
It is worth mentioning that ICOM is the only specialized organization of museums and museum curators in the world, which promotes and protects the natural and cultural heritages of the past and present, tangible and intangible, and its next session will be held in Dubai.