Expert: Resistance won't keep silent against Israeli aggressions

TEHRAN— An expert on international affairs is of the opinion that the Israeli atrocities cannot be shocking anymore.
In an interview with the Tehran Times, Elham Abedini said the constant violation of international law by the Israelis, as well as breaching their own commitments will be faced with a response from the resistance movement this time.
She also said that the operations that world is now witnessing from the resistance movement are different from the ones in the past.
Below is the text of the interview:
The Israeli regime's recent atrocities in Gaza are not unprecedented. Do you think there was a major difference between the recent crimes and the previous ones?
At first, I have to say, there's nothing to be shocked about whatever the Zionist regime does. We have to expect anything from them. Because we see how they commit crimes, against journalists, doctors, civilians, children, we have witnessed all of these. But, we cannot say there is a major difference between these rounds of war compared with the previous ones.
“I think the most important thing about the Israeli regime is that they do not commit to any form of international law and even their own agreements and commitments.”
Maybe we can say this time in just three days, because this war lasted about three days, and in just three days, they did everything and committed every crime. Every crime that they did separately in a package. They assassinated leaders of (Palestinian Islamic) Jihad commanders and also they did crimes against civilians and against children.
We can mention these things and say that they did every kind of crime that they committed before in one package in just three days.
We can also emphasize that there is nothing to be shocked.
Personally, what do you think of the ceasefire between the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Tel Aviv regime? Can it put an end to the illegitimate regime's crimes?
Absolutely not. The short and simple answer is no. There is nothing to do to stop their crimes but resistance. Nowadays, we see silence from the international community and international organizations. Even in these three days, we didn't see any emergency meeting held during the ongoing war in the (United Nations) Security Council. So there is just one way to stop the illegitimate crimes of the Zionist regime which is resistance that people in Gaza and also different resistance factions such as Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad do.
Regarding the ceasefire, I think we can quote Ziyad Nakhalah (PIJ chief) who said that we have a clear position and stance against the enemy, which is the Israeli regime.
And anytime they violate and break the ceasefire, we will do the same and retaliate. So I think they expect violation of the ceasefire, like other times. This is not the first ceasefire between the Palestinians and Israelis.
This happens every time after the battles. After, for instance, the war that the Israelis had last summer (the 11-day war) or the 22-day war. Every time, they had ceasefires, but an important thing about this ceasefire is that actually we can say every time this is the Israeli regime that wanted this ceasefire and tried to encourage Egypt to mediate between Israel and Palestine and establish these ceasefires because they know that if they do not accept the truce, the resistance movement would retaliate.
This is not the resistance movement that existed before, for instance, 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago. Nowadays, they have rockets, they now have long-range missiles and they can target every Israeli settlement and city.
At the same time, you know, that most of the Zionist population who live there have dual citizenship and if they feel unsafe they would emigrate from Israel.
So the important thing about ceasefire is that every time it is the Zionist regime that violates this ceasefire. Even this time we see that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said in the first day of the war that they ignore any demands for ceasefire and they have to retaliate. Then we see that the Islamic Jihad fired many rockets and did what they aimed. Only after achieving their goal they accepted this truce.
Do you think that the usurper Israeli regime will adhere to its commitment about releasing Islamic Jihad prisoners?
I think the most important thing about the Israeli regime is that they do not commit to any form of international law and even their own agreements and commitments. The best example for that is what they agreed on regarding the 1967 borders. So in general, we can say there's no way we could trust their commitment. But at the same time, I think since they know about the Islamic Jihad and also support for them by Hamas, the Israelis know that the resistance will respond and won’t remain silent about the violation of the Israelis’ commitments.
The Islamic Jihad discussed releasing of Palestinian prisoners in the truce. So I think, we can expect this time they’d free the prisoners. However, in long-term, this is not unexpected that they act more violently against Palestinians. For instance, in Nablus, we witnessed the violent aggressions of the Israeli regime against Palestinians.