President makes speech at BRICS summit

TEHRAN — At the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Friday virtually addressed BRICS plus summit, emphasizing the importance of the bloc in global development.
Below are excerpts from Raisi’s speech:
I would like to congratulate His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, on his “successful presidency and positive holding of the BRICS Summit.
The current intertwined world faces new and diverse challenges that affect the progress of world friendship and peace. Emerging crises such as the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, as well as regional and international conflicts have made interaction between countries doubly necessary.
Conflicting global trends, unilateralism, nationalistic partialities, and challenges such as sanctions and coercive economic action underscore the importance of creating and strengthening new institutions alongside the United Nations, while respecting the sovereignty and national interests of nations, in order to take important steps towards the realization of a ‘society with a common future.’
As a leading institution consisting of large emerging economies, the BRICS has been able to shape new trends in the world by providing appropriate models and initiatives.
With complementary economies and cultural diversity, BRICS members can meet mutual needs and share their national and indigenous development experiences to enhance global prosperity and peace.
The plans and policies of BRICS reflected in its statements and documents show that it is able to address a wide range of issues related to the concerns of developing societies.
The Islamic Republic of Iran firmly believes in global justice and considers the transformation of this transcendent ideal into a comprehensive discourse on the world stage an undeniable necessity.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a country with a rich history of active presence in international institutions and initiatives, with vast economic, human and natural capacities and also inspired by indigenous models, has been able, with the help of a culture of independence and rights, in the path of national development.