President: Iranian nation has defeated U.S.

Tehran— Speaking at the night of the anniversary of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini on Friday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that Imam Khomeini once said, “The U.S. could not do a damn thing, and this was proved.”
Raisi said that Imam Khomeini never invited the people to himself.
“In all his words, he has invited people to serve God. Imam said that all successes are from God and do not see them from yourself. These are the manifestations of the dignity of the Imam,” the president noted.
He then added that there are many politicians in the world, but politics without spirituality has caused a lot of trouble for humanity.
“The result of 70 years of non-spiritual politics is the oppression of Palestinian people, nuclear race and oppression of the people of the world,” President Raisi underlined.
“Imam said that the U.S. could not do a damn thing and that was proved. The White House spokesperson said that the maximum pressure campaign on Iran has failed miserably, meaning that the great nation of Iran has defeated the United States,” Raisi added.