Hadi Rezaei named Honorary Life Member of World Paravolley

TEHRAN – Iran’s legendary sitting volleyball player and coach Hadi Rezaei has been named as an Honorary Life Member of World Paravolley.
Rezaei has been awarded the Honorary Life Membership due to his significant contribution to the organization over the years.
“I have long been an admirer of your amazing contribution to Paravolley, particularly in the fields of international coaching and coach education and your selfless willingness to offer your expertise and knowledge to other coaches. Your record as a coach is unequalled in World Paravolley history and you should be immensely proud of your achievements. I am also aware of your involvement and contribution as a Paralympic athlete and in the field of governance at both the zone and World levels. You are truly worthy of receiving this recognition,” Barry Couzner, World ParaVolley President, said.
As a player, Rezaei won three gold medals in 1988, 1992 and 1996 Paralympic Games.
He also inspired Iran to win four gold medals in 2000, 2008, 2016 and 2020 Paralympic Games and two silver medals in 2004 and 2012 Paralympic Games.
Under his leadership, the Iranian sitting volleyball team have also won three gold medals, one silver and two bronzes in the World Championships. Hadi Rezaei has also claimed four gold medals in the World Championships as a player.