Book on peaceful coexistence of religions in Iran published in Italy

TEHRAN – A book on the peaceful coexistence of religions in Iran has been published in Italy.
Authored by Iranian scholar Zahra Rashidbeigi, “Iran: La Culla di una Pacifica Coesistenza Religiosa” (“Iran: The Cradle of Peaceful Religious Co-existence: Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians”) was originally published in 2015.
Translated by Giorgia Durigon, the book has been published by Il Cerchio in Rimini.
The book helps readers to get to know the world of religious minorities in contemporary Iran, with color photos of the daily life of Christians (Orthodox, Protestants, Catholics, Syriacs, Armenians), Zoroastrians, Hindus and many other religious confessions, all coexisting in Iran.
The Italian edition has been published with a contribution from the Iranian Culture Center in Rome.
An English translation of the book by Amir-Ali Javadian has previously been published by the Alhoda International Publishing Group. It has also been published in Russian.
In an interview to Sputnik Persian, Rashidbeigi said, “The book shows the reader the history of the nation, starting from antiquity, telling of the social life and traditions of Iran’s religious minorities.”
“The book vividly illustrates the most important shrines and temples of the religious minorities residing in Iran,” she added.
Rashidbeigi has spent five years talking with representatives of the various religious minorities in Iran and visiting numerous cities across the country to write the book.
She expressed her thanks to the leaders of the religious minorities in the country for their contributions to her book.
She said that the leaders of religious minorities have all approved the topics mentioned in the book.
The last chapter of the book is dedicated to the activities of the Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue at Iran’s Islamic Culture and Relations Organization.
In his visit to New York at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, former president Hassan Rouhani introduced the book to numerous presidents and leaders of the nations present.
Photo: Front cover of the Italian edition of “Iran: The Cradle of Peaceful Religious Co-existence”.