Ruholamin creates new painting on birth of Fatima (SA) in live stream

TEHRAN – Fans watched from their homes as artist Hassan Ruholamin created his new work on the birth of Hazrat Fatima (SA) in a program live-streamed online on his Instagram.
The untitled work created over two consecutive days, was unveiled by Ruholamin on Sunday to celebrate the birthday of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S).
He donated the artwork to Hey’at Online, a platform that streams Islamic religious meetings for free. The platform also provided a live stream for the program.
The painting shows the Prophet Muhammad (S) holding the newborn Fatima (SA) in his arms as an angel is seen right beside him.
A new painting by Hassan Ruholamin on the birth of Hazrat Fatima (SA) was published on his Telegram on January 23, 2022.
36-year-old Ruholamin, whose paintings mostly revolve around stories from the history of Islam, has unveiled many of his works during Islamic religious occasions.
“Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein Bidding Farewell to Hazrat Fatima (SA)”, a painting depicting Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS) in final farewell to their mother Hazrat Fatima (SA), was introduced last year on December 31 as Iran was mourning for the martyrdom of Fatima (SA).
The martyrdom of Fatima (SA) has been the subject of several other artworks by Ruholamin.
One of the works is “Divinity Lies in the Coffin”, which depicts Imam Ali (AS) and a number of his relatives carrying the coffin of Fatima (SA) during her funeral in the dead of night.
Another work is “After Fatima”, which shows a sad Imam Ali (AS) sitting on the ground in his home with his head on his knees.
Ruholamin also drew “Reason for the Creation” about the birth of Hazrat Fatima (SA), which was unveiled in his solo exhibition at Iran’s Culture Center in Paris in 2018.
Ruholamin was named the Islamic Revolution Artist of the Year in 2020. In 2018, he was nominated for the honor that is presented every year by the Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization.
Photo: Hassan Ruholamin works on his new painting about the birth of Hazrat Fatima (SA) at his atelier on January 23, 2022.