“Uprising Season” seeks buyers in global game market

TEHRAN – Director of “Uprising Season” Emad Rahmani has said that the producers of the game are seeking buyers in the global game market.
Rahmani made the remarks during a meeting for the official release of the game, which was made at Monadian Media, a Basij Cyberspace institute that produces games and animations.
The third-person sword-fighting game has been made based on the story of Mokhtar Saqafi’s uprising.
Mokhtar organized the uprising a few years after the events of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram in 680 CE, to take revenge against the killers of Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions.
This game is the second part of the trilogy “Ambassador of Love”. The game has been designed in 12 stages, which begin from Mokhtar’s captivity in Ibn Ziad’s prison, his journey to Mecca, his uprising and finally, his victory over the killers of the Imam (AS) and his companions.
Rahmani said that the global distribution of the game will soon begin.
Basij Cyberspace director Moslem Moein and Brigadier General Gholamreza Soleimani, the commander of the Basij Organization, also attended the meeting.
In a brief speech, Moein pointed to the large number of people working in the game industry, and said, “A special plan has been developed to take a significant share of the cyberspace productions market, especially computers games, in a short time.”
Earlier in August, Moein said that “Uprising Season” will surprise gamers with its high quality.
“The game developers have done their best to make a game of high quality in order to gain Iranian and foreign gamers’ satisfaction,” he noted.
The Islamic Revolution Center for Digital Products and Publications – MATNA created the first part of the trilogy “Ambassador of Love” in December 2020. The center called it the largest Iranian-Islamic computer game project so far.
“Young, skilled game developers of the country have completed the largest Iranian-Islamic computer game project to fill its gamers with sheer excitement,” Mehdi Jafari Jozani of MATNA said at that time.
“Ambassador of Love” is a third-person action-adventure game that starts with the journey of Muslim ibn Aqil al-Hashimi (AS), the messenger of Imam Hussein (AS), to Kufa a few days before the Ashura uprising that led to the martyrdom of the Imam and his companions in 680.
The game also has an Iranian character named Mehran who embarks on a journey from the Iranian city of Rey to visit Muslim ibn Aqil (AS) in Kufa. The story of the game is narrated by Mehran.
The team of the developers has used Unreal Engine 4 to create the game. The engine was launched by Epic Games, an American video game and software developer and publisher based in Cary, North Carolina.
The engine has been used in the world-renowned games such as “Gears 5” and “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”.
Photo: Basij Organization chief Brigadier General Gholamreza Soleimani unveils a copy of the computer game “Uprising Season” in Tehran on September 14, 2021. (Fars/Sdaeq Nikgostar)