Food and agricultural export risks
Food and agricultural export risks are significant in the world. There is much competition between exporters and importers in this field. Keeping food fresh and healthy during the transportation is one of the challenges of exporting. If you are planning to enter this big business, be sure to know how to face its problems and challenges. Merchants, especially those who have exported food, their most important challenge is to keep it fresh and healthy. Importers are also looking for the best companies in this field.
Global trade challenges
Global trade in food and agricultural products has a complex and diverse process that most countries try to enter and become top exporters. Any export of food, especially agricultural products, whether done by sea, land, or air, faced various challenges for exporters. But the main food and agricultural export risk is the health of the goods until they reach their destination, and that is why this issue has become one of the big global trade challenges.
Costs, transportation and export risk
Around 90% of traded goods are carried over the waves. As such, the oceans provide the main transport arteries for global trade. Sometimes long distances increase the importance of keeping food and agricultural goods. Every food exporting company has experienced the corruption of its goods at least once. The bitter experience of food spoilage has led companies to think about spending more to keep their goods healthy and use up-to-date equipment. But is it necessary for them to pay these costs? To answer this question, let's look at the export risk of some sensitive fruits such as kiwi and apple to understand the complicated and difficult process it will take to get this healthy fruit to importers.
Even after being picked, the apple continues to live and breathe. Although respiration cannot be halted entirely, postharvest cooling slows the process and thus increases storage life. If only a short period of time is to be spent storing apples, it is still essential to remove the field heat as soon as possible. If only a short period of time is to be spent storing apples, it is still very important to remove the field heat as soon as possible. Rapid cooling will not injure the apples. The higher the holding temperature, the greater the softening and respiration rate, and the sooner the quality becomes unacceptable. At 4°C, apples respire and degrade about twice as fast as at 0°C. They will respire and degrade six times faster at 15°C. It depends on the variety of apples, but all are stored between -1°C and +4°C.
Top companies in the fruit export
Imagine that one of these conditions is not observed in the keep and transportation of kiwi and apples! Increase the temperature of apple refrigerators by a few degrees or reduce the humidity of kiwi storage! What happens? Indeed, by not following the principles in the least amount of damage, a large part of the fruits is rotten and unusable. In addition to the financial losses for the exporter, the importer is also experiencing difficulties. Of course, not to worry! Because if you are looking to import this type of sensitive fruit, you can work as a fruit importer with confidence in powerful and experienced companies in this field. Due to the sensitivity of foodstuffs, including fruits, most companies cannot pay the high costs of storing foodstuffs for export, so they abandon the high profits. In contrast, there are big companies that export these sensitive fruits with perfect health and high quality. The management of a fruit export company is very challenging and you can't trust easily every company. To introduce some of the best companies in this field, we can mention Salix Fruits Company, Zespri Company, and Vira Fruit Company.
The situation of the global fruit trade
The United States has consistently been recognized as the world's largest exporter of food and agricultural goods and as an apple exporter, it has a colorful role in global trade. By 2050, more than half the world's population is expected to depend on other countries for food exports. However, due to the distance and time factor in the export of sensitive foods, especially fruits, Iran is one of the exporters of high-quality fruits in the Middle East on the other side of the globe. As mentioned earlier, more than 90% of world trade takes place by the sea. Iran has a strategic position connected to the sea from the north and south and has always been one of the exporters of food to other neighboring countries.
The Iranian fruit trade and its share of the global trade
Export of food and agricultural products in Iran is annually more than 6 million and 381 thousand tons, worth 5 billion and 854 million dollars. These figures are growing from 2018 until today. One of the successful Iranian companies in the field of fruit export is called Vira Fruit. Iranian kiwi is one of the best-selling and high-quality Vira Fruit products. The company also export apples to neighboring countries, including India. Vira Fruit has a large share in export to the Middle East by observing the principles of fruit preservation and the use of up-to-date equipment. Vira Fruit has a good experience as an apple exporter.