Saudia Arabia "to execute" 40 teens

Human Rights activists have raised the alarm over plans by Saudi Arabia to execute more than 40 teenagers. According to monitoring group, Saudi Leaks, the shocking revelation comes just a week after the Kingdom carried out the death penalty for Mustafa al-Darwish, who was sentenced for alleged crimes committed as a minor.
Leading international rights groups say Mustafa was arrested, tortured, held in solidarity confinement and limited access to an attorney for taking part in anti-monarchy protests during the Islamic Awakening uprising across the region, also known as the Arab Spring in 2011. It’s not the first time over the past years that the Saudi monarchy has carried out mass executions. Should the execution of over 40 minors, convicted of similar offenses as Mustafa go ahead, it will more than likely lead to international outcry; similar to those in the past.