By M.A. Saki

Iran is prime victim of climate change 

May 26, 2021 - 23:46

Iran has been suffering droughts for decades. It has been expedited over the last three decades. 

The plateau of Iran is a chief victim of global warming which its main culprits have been pumping gas emissions into the atmosphere through their unclean technology.
It is painful to be victim of something in which you have the least role. 

The world, especially countries located in arid and semi-arid regions, have been environmentally victimized by countries which have been just concerned about manufacturing and exporting their industrial products.  

We have had abnormal persons like Donald Trump who was saying during his presidency that climate change is a Chinese hoax. This is despite the fact that the United States as the biggest industrial country in the world is the chief culprit behind the global warming and has been polluting the environment since the industrial revolution.

Also, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is intentionally ordering deforestation of Amazon forests, which like oceans are the “lungs of the Earth”. He is doing so to develop farming. Regrettably, he also denies that he is making such orders.  Bolsonaro is treating the Mother Nature the way he deals with the Coronavirus pandemic.

Rainfall in most parts of Iran has become a mirage. The new generation ask covetously about snowfall in the not-too-distant future. 

It is regretful that in the mountainous Zagros region in western Iran in which water from smelting snow was flowing down the valleys almost until the end of spring are now looking for drinking water.  Rivers, lagoons and even lakes are being dried up one by one and the ecosystems of the region and the social life of people are being badly impacted. 

The impact of climate change has reached a degree that even during the winter firefighters should be ready to extinguish fire that may take place in the forested mountainous areas. 
What is responsible for such a situation? Airplanes, car manufacturing companies, electricity generating facilities powered by coal and fossil fuels? 

Iran is now the prime victim of climate change. It not unusual that the wishes of farmers, who wait for a year to reap the benefits of their cultivation, go up in the air because of droughts or suddenly storm comes and washes everything with itself.