Hezbollah rejects charges against Diab in port blast

December 11, 2020 - 17:55

Lebanon resistance group Hezbollah said Friday recently filed charges were politically targeting the caretaker prime minister and three allied former ministers over this summer’s massive explosion in Beirut.

The group called on the investigating judge to reconsider his decision, saying it lacked a legal and constitutional basis and that the four were being selectively charged.

Prime Minister Hassan Diab, resigned in the wake of the Aug. ۴ explosion and remains in his post in a caretaker capacity, as Lebanese officials have failed to agree on a new Cabinet.

The four were the most senior officials to be charged in the investigation and are set to be questioned next week by investigating judge Fadi Sawwan. He was named by the government to the post a few days after the explosion, and has been conducting his probe mostly in secrecy.

The explosion in the port was caused by the ignition of a large stockpile of explosive material that had been stored at the port for six years, with the knowledge of top security officials and politicians who did nothing about it. It killed more than ۲۰۰ people and wounded thousands, devastating large parts of the capital Beirut.