“Wave or Particle?” honored at Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes

December 7, 2020 - 18:44

TEHRAN – The short documentary “Wave or Particle?” by Alireza Rahmantalab received an honorable mention at the Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes last week.

The movie “Wave or Particle?” is a special documentary, which addresses a fundamental question: In the world we live in, do only humans have the power to understand the environment?

In answer to this question, we discover the intelligence of plants and are amazed by it. Then we go into the atoms and in this journey we encounter many wonders, each of which can amaze us. This search introduces us to the science of quantum physics, a science that has been able to change the world with its achievements; a science that everyone has heard the name of, but no one really knows what it is. 

“Two Autumns in Paris” by Gibelys Coronado from Venezuela was picked as best feature film, and the best short documentary award was given to “The Box: Out of the Impossible” by Ann Cabano from the U.S.

The Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes highlighted a selection of best films from around the world. 

The festival aims to promote independent filmmakers and innovative work that take risks and move the frontiers from the boring and, most of the times, empty conventional to the artistic, initiating strong emotions and out of the box to exceptional. 

It equally aims to give an opportunity to independent filmmakers to showcase their work free of commercial constraints.

The Iranian shorts “The Silk Earrings” by Nima Hassanbeigi, “Letter to My Mother” by Amin Maher and “Mermaid” by Saber Mostafapur were also screened at the festival.

Photo: “Wave or Particle?” by Alireza Rahmantalab.