Senator Murphy calls Pompeo’s remarks on Iran’s uranium stockpile funny

TEHRAN - Chris Murphy, the U.S. senator from Connecticut, has called U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s remarks on Iran’s uranium stockpile “funny”.
“Funny - if the goal was to get Iran to stick to the stockpile limits in the nuclear agreement, one possible path forward - just spitballing here - would have been to NOT UNILATERALLY END THE AGREEMENT,” he tweeted on Tuesday.
Ben Rhodes, former President Barack Obama’s adviser, also tweeted, “Pulling out of the Iran Deal has been an unmitigated disaster.”Pompeo said in a tweet on Tuesday, “Iran’s uranium stockpile is reportedly more than 10 times the limit set by the JCPOA. The E3 and other nations must wake up to the reality that the nuclear deal is history and should join us in imposing strong sanctions. Pressure and comprehensive talks are the only path forward.”
Ben Rhodes, former President Barack Obama’s adviser, also tweeted, “Pulling out of the Iran Deal has been an unmitigated disaster.”
Gerard Araud, a former French ambassador to the U.S., tweeted, “A detail: Iran has been progressively enriched beyond the limit set by the JCPOA because the US has reneged on its signature and has not respected its side of the deal.”
Matt Duss, a foreign policy advisor to Senator Bernie Sanders, also said in a tweet, “As always, the beauty of ‘maximum pressure’ is that it’s unfalsifiable. Despite consistently producing the exact opposite of its intended outcomes, it can never fail. The answer is always more pressure.”
Daryl G. Kimball, the executive director at U.S. Arms Control Association, tweeted, “What @SecPompeo does not acknowledge is that this is all the result of *Trump’s Failing Iran Policy* that many of us warned against more than a year ago. The E3 and others need to encourage the U.S. and Iran to come back into compliance w/ the #JCPOA.”