Rouhani calls Nigerien president, says abuse of intl. bodies is root cause of current problems

TEHRAN – In a telephone conversation on Monday with Nigerien President Mahamadou Issoufou whose country takes over the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for September, President Hassan Rouhani said abuse of international bodies by certain countries is the root cause of current problems in the world.
“I’m very happy that Iran and Niger have the common view that international relations must be based on justice and lofty human values, which are in turn rooted in independence, solidarity and dignity,” Rouhani said in the phone call.
Niger along with 12 other non-permanent and permanent members of the UN Security Council voted against extending arms embargo against Iran on August 14. Also a week later, Niger along with the other 12 members wrote separate letters to UN Security Council president denouncing the return of UN sanctions against Iran as requested by the U.S. which left the nuclear deal – JCPOA - more than two years ago.
Only the Dominican Republic sided with the U.S. at the Council to extend arms embargo against Iran.
Rouhani congratulated Niger on rotating presidency over the UN Security Council for the current month and said, “Iran and Niger have always had positive and constructive cooperation in international bodies including the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the area of independence and neutrality in line with the achievement of these bodies’ objectives.”
The Iranian president added, “I am sure that the Republic of Niger, as a member state to the Non-Aligned Movement, will act completely independently and professionally during its presidency over the UN Security Council and will prevent the abuse of the status of the United Nations and the Security Council for the United States’ excessive demands and unilateralism, just as it took a very constructive stance against the illegal resolution to extend the arms embargo on Iran.”
For his part, Issoufou said that Niger has always attached importance to human values in international cooperation and will continue this path in its performance at the Security Council.
Issoufou also called for expansion of relations with Iran.