Ignorant, arrogant and all-pretentious
Another Western thriller by the lawless government of the United States
Once, as the narrative goes, Jesus Christ (PBUH) was hurriedly running away from someone. His disciples, who had never seen him in this condition, addressed him and said, "What has befallen on you, O' dear lord?" He replied, "I'm running away from an ignorant one."
"But you are the spirit of God incarnated, you breathe life into the dead and restore sight to the blind. Thus, make a prayer and make this ignorant one, wise," the disciples asked.
"Ignorance accompanied by arrogance is incurable, so you have no remedy except running away from it," Jesus Christ (PBUH) responded.
This is the third time that the passengers of a non-military Iranian airplane had been assaulted due to the U.S.-Iran dispute. The first time happened in 1988 when Iran's Airbus was shot down over the Persian Gulf by two missiles fired from USS Vincennes, a guided-missile cruiser of the United States Navy. The reason for the American cruiser to be there was to protect the ships that were under cover of transporting goods for Arab countries, carrying weapons and ammunition for Saddam Hussein. The same Saddam whose name was absent from all the Security Council's resolutions throughout the eight years of Iran-Iraq war, never condemning him for the genocide he committed by the use of chemical weapons.
The second time happened after the cowardly act of assassinating the unequivocal Iranian hero who fought against the ISIS terrorists, General Soleimani, in Baghdad Airport, which was never condemned by the inert United Nations.
A few days later, while being in full preparation against any possible attack, a Ukrainian civil airplane with mainly Iranian passengers was mistakenly shot down by Iran's anti-air defense system.
This last incident was the third time the dispute between these two countries resulted in hurting civilians. An American F-15 fighter jet, which had no right to intercept the civil air corridor, flew threateningly in an Iranian passenger plane's vicinity during an authorized flight, injuring several passengers. The worst possibility would be that the jet's pilot had a mission to provoke Syria's air-defense to fire, or at best, the lives of innocent women and children in this flight didn't worth a straw for this U.S's air force pilot whose mindset seemed much like an Indian-killer cowboy with his rifle.
These shootings had one point in common; in all of them, the people of Iran were mournful while the American presidents, Reagan and Trump, were cheerful and delighted for the death of Iranians.
Imagine for a second that a bird crashes the front window of your car while driving. As a human being, you would feel sorry for some time, and your heart would sink. Now, look at the magnificent celebration for this cruiser after mass murdering 290 passengers in a non-military flight in support of Saddam. Look at its captain's gesture, holding a victory sign and the triumph of the U.S. navy in this military port. Do you suppose we kept the same feast after the death of American people in the brutal terrorist attacks to the twin towers in support of their Arab murderers?! …
Let me tell you about my own experience. During the Iran-Iraq war, I was a sentry in the besieged city of Abadan. My duty was to destroy the artilleries that mercilessly fired at my people under siege and murdered them. Years later, I ran into the Iraqi artillery officer, now a surgeon in Baghdad Hospital. He told me he couldn't sleep at night for years. I told him that if he were following the commands in firing at my city, I wouldn't blame him, but if he were jumping up and down triumphantly at the moment of firing, I couldn't forgive him. Saddam might have put a gun on his head, yet he didn't have the power to make him feel deeply pleased with the blood he was shedding. Captain Will Rogers is awarded the Legion of Merit decoration for fulfilling his military mission by the American politicians, a few years later.
In his new book, John Bolton mentions an important point as a tribute to his previous mentor, Paul Laxalt, former Governor of Nevada, and as a life lesson: "In politics, there are no immaculate conceptions." That is why the American government had celebrated over the people of Iran's sorrow for the passengers' death in Airbus and the Ukrainian plane crash. The opposite of what our nation did at the time of terrorist attacks on the World Trade twin towers, led by Saudi Arabia's government, murdering many innocent souls. People of Iran, humanely, mourned for the victims, lit candles for them, and sympathized with their families. Perhaps, ironically enough, this sympathy was why the people of my country, instead of Saudi Arabia's citizens, were banned from entering the U.S. land later. All these experiences had made us, people of Iran, expect the news of rewarding the F-15's pilot with the Legion of Merit decoration at any moment with Trump's own hand in a magnificent feast in the White House …
Now, perhaps after reading this piece, the American nation would realize why we Muslims in West Asia are continually running away from their ignorant, arrogant, and pretentious politicians.
People of America! I would suggest you get away, like Jesus Christ (PBUH), from these politicians who recommend injecting disinfectants to avoid the coronavirus! Take this advice seriously for the sake of your life and your family!