Iran: China leading fight against COVID-19, generously aiding other countries

TEHRAN – The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman has lauded China for its role in the international struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic and praised Beijing for “generously aiding” other countries to counter the outbreak.
“The government and people of China lead the way in suppressing coronavirus & generously aiding countries across the world,” Abbas Mousavi wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.
Mousavi said, “The Chinese bravery, dedication & professionalism in COVID-19 containment deserve acknowledgment.”
The Foreign Ministry official added that Iran has “always been thankful to China in these trying times”.
Mousavi also said countries are “stronger together”.
However, Mousavi has said Iran has not asked the U.S. for aid and will never do so.
The spokesman also said the U.S. has been trying to misuse the outbreak of the coronavirus and “bring Iran to the negotiating table.”
He added, Iran does not “recognize” U.S. sanctions and called for their removal.
As of Monday, April 6, over 60,000 Iranian were confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus and over 3,700 died.
Iran has called illegal U.S. sanctions as an example of “economic terrorism”.
Foreign Minister Zarif has said Washington’s refusal to lift bans amidst the coronavirus crisis is showing that the White House if expanding its economic terrorism to “medical terrorism” which even exceed “what would be permissible on the battlefield”.
In a letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) director general on Friday, Iranian ambassador to the UN office in Geneva Esmaeil Baghaei Hamaneh said that the imposition of cruel and illegal sanctions on Iran, which has impeded the ordinary's people access to medicine and medical equipment, clearly exemplify “crime against humanity”.