Zarif: U.S. takes pride in killing Iranian citizens

March 21, 2020 - 13:28

TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said in a tweet on Friday that the U.S. is proud that it is killing Iranians through its sanctions.

"The U.S. administration gleefully takes pride in killing Iranian citizens on - Nowruz new year," Zarif wrote.

Iran's New Year began on March 20.

While Iran is wrestling with the deadly coronavirus it is subject to the harshest illegal sanctions, including medical sanctions, by the Trump administration.

The number of Iranians who have died from the virus has reached 1433.

From Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon, 149 people were added to the number of the dead.

In 24 hours, 1237 new cases were added to those infected with the virus.

Now the number of citizens confirmed carrying Covid-19 virus is 19646.

Zarif added, "The White House takes its maximum pressure to a new level of inhumanity with its utter contempt for human life."

The chief diplomat said Iran will not "break" under sanctions.

Zarif told the White House officials that "your policy" toward Iran "live in infamy".