IRGC: U.S. happiness over martyrdom of General Soleimani will not last long

January 3, 2020 - 15:46

TEHRAN - Brigadier General Ramazan Sharif, the spokesman for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, said on Friday that the United States’ happiness over the martyrdom of Commander of the IRGC Quds Force Major General Qassem Soleimani “will not last long”.

“Definitely, this happiness of the United States will not last long and will be turned into mourning,” Sharif said in a televised interview.

General Soleimani was martyred in a U.S. airstrike on Baghdad’s international airport on Friday morning. 

The Pentagon announced that U.S. President Donald Trump had ordered the attack on Soleimani.

Sharif said that the IRGC and the resistance front will take vengeance on killers of the top general.

“The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, the people and the resistance front will think about nothing but taking revenge for blood of this martyr who brought pride for the Iranian people and the Islamic community,” he stated.