Doc on Isfahan theater history to hit silver screen
December 22, 2019 - 18:57

TEHRAN – “Laughter in the Dark”, a documentary about the history of theater in Isfahan, will be screened at Iran’s Art and Experience Cinemas, which are dedicated to screening documentary and art films, on January 1.
Directed by Mojgan Khaleqi, the film features interviews with some of veteran stage directors and actors from Isfahan, including Ali Rafiei, Reza Arham-Sadr, Nosratollah Vahdat, Kiumars Purahmad, Jahanbakhsh Soltani and Nasser Kushan.
Veteran actor Parviz Purhosseini did the narration for “Laughter in the Dark”.
Photo: A poster for Mojgan Khaleqi’s documentary “Laughter in the Dark”.