Iran holds exhibition on new nuclear achievements

TEHRAN – The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) plans to open an exhibition on Saturday, November 16, on new nuclear achievements in the central city of Saveh.
The exhibition, hosted by the Saveh energy institute, will last till November 20.
The event is intended to display nuclear industry’s peripheral applications including in medical and agricultural fields.
Making the public opinion aware of the privileges of indigenized knowledge of nuclear industry, rapid comprehensive access of academicians to a summary of the latest achievements of the country in nuclear industry, removing any ambiguity in the country’s nuclear activities from safety and environmental point of views, strengthening self-confidence and national pride are among objectives of the exhibition.
The exhibition will be open from 8:30 a.m. till 12:00 at noon and will be reopened from 14:00 p.m. till 17:00 p.m. each day.
In mid-October, AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said that Washington, in an inhuman move, imposed sanctions against the Iranian companies which produce radio medicine for cancer patients.
"The Americans had said that they would not sanction food and drugs but they have imposed sanctions against a company which produces radio medicine," Kamalvandi told a group of elites in Tehran at the time.
He said that if Iran had not enjoyed the capability to produce radio medicine, one million patients would have been in trouble now.
“There is nothing more inhuman than sanctioning the patients with acute health problems and cancer patients," Kamalvandi regretted.