Iran coach Kolakovic sends message to Michal Kubiak

TEHRAN – Iran national volleyball team head coach Igor Kolakovic has sent a message to Poland captain Michal Kubiak.
Kubiak had launched a stinging attack on Iranian nation in #PrawdaSiatki YouTube program.
“They always insult us into the field and don’t respect us but play innocent. The Iranians think they are great and the best and we are the worst. But I believe that they are fatal, malicious and damned people. For me, this nation doesn’t exist, even though they proudly call themselves Persians, not Arabs. Sometimes we have to play with them, but for me, they don’t exist,” Kubiak said.
Now, the Montenegrin coach has invited Kubiak to come to Iran once again.
“Dear Michal Kubiak, you are the great volleyball player, but you have the right to make a mistake. Come to Iran, please, to see how wonderful people live here,” Kolakovic wrote on his Instagram.
Iran volleyball federation acting president Afshin Davari had said they are going to file a complaint against Kubiak in response to the player’s anti-Iranian comments.
“FIVB's Ethics Committee should demand Kubiak explanation for his remarks. He has offended the Iranian people and must accept responsibility for what he has said,” Davari said.