Top general: If Iran can’t export oil through Hormuz Strait then no other country can

TEHRAN - Iran’s military chief said on Sunday that Iran is not seeking to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz but if any country seeks to make the strait insecure Iran will confront it strongly.
“As oil and commodities of other countries are passing through the Strait of Hormuz, ours are also moving through it,” said Major General Mohammad Baqeri, Iran’s armed forces chief of staff.
He added, “We will definitely confront anyone who attempts to destabilize the Strait of Hormuz, and if our crude is not to pass through the Strait of Hormuz, others' [crude] will not pass either.”
A few days ago, the White House once again took aim at Iran’s oil sector, ending six months of waivers which allowed Tehran’s eight largest customers to continue importing limited volumes.
It threatened the buyers of Iranian oil with sanctions if they fail to stop their purchases by May 1, in a move that quickly sent global crude prices to their highest levels since last November.
Iran has said it may close the Strait of Hormuz if prevented from using the waterway, which links crude producers in the Middle East to markets in Europe, Asia Pacific, North America and beyond.
In a recent interview with Reuters, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Iran was “not going to take any action” should the U.S. continue observing the rules of engagement.