At OIC, Indian FM says Pakistan harboring terrorists

TEHRAN - Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj addressed the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) session in Abu Dhabi on Friday and censured countries harboring terrorists on their soil, without naming Pakistan.
Invited as a ‘guest of honor’, keeping in view the burgeoning Muslim population in India, Swaraj launched a broadside against Pakistan, saying the countries providing shelter to terrorists must be confronted.
The session took place amidst simmering tensions between India and Pakistan in the wake of ‘surgical strikes’ and military confrontation over the past one week.
Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi boycotted the meeting in protest over the invitation to his Indian counterpart.
“If we want to save humanity, we must tell the states who provide shelter and funding to terrorists, to dismantle the infrastructure of the terrorist camps and stop providing funding shelter and funding to the terror organization based in that country,” Swaraj said in her address.
“Terrorism is destroying lives, destabilizing regions and putting the world at great peril. Terror reach is growing and the toll it is taking is increasing,” she added.
Saying Islam and terrorism had no co-relation; Swaraj said terrorism and extremism are given different names and labels, which eventually leads to distortion of religion.
"None of the 99 names of Allah means violence, Islam preaches peace. This menace [terrorism] cannot be stopped only through diplomatic and military means, we have to work within our communities,” she remarked.
India was invited to attend the OIC meeting in 1969 too but at that time Pakistan had managed to get the invitation withdrawn.