Le Pen's under-plot for the French President

TEHRAN - The President of the French National Rally political party, Marin Le Pen, is trying to take little stances on the new protests in her country. Some French politicians have accused her of interfering in the recent protests in favor of the French National Rally. Meanwhile, many analysts believe that, ultimately, the outcome of Macron's removal from power will be the presence of far-right nationalists (led by Le Pen) at the Elysees Palace.
In any case, Marin Le Pen and the French National Rally continue to make lots of propaganda in their country's political and social atmosphere. It should be acknowledged that the recent protests in France have doubled their chance to win the public vote, and he has greatly encouraged Le Pen and her entourage to win the European parliamentary election which is to be held in June.
In 2014, the French National Rally was able to shine exceptionally well in the European parliamentary elections and overcome other French political parties. In the 2017 general election, Le Pen was able to reach the final round of the presidential competitions for the first time since the establishment of the French National Rally. However, at that time, Le Pen couldn't act against the broad opposition of the Socialist and Conservative parties. But the equation seems to have changed now!
Polls conducted in France suggested a decline in the popularity of Emmanuel Macron as the country's president. This is while only 18 months has passed since Macaron's presence at Elysee Palace. Under such circumstances, Le Pen and her companions will naturally try to change the French citizen's mind to the benefit of the French National Rally.
This is a very good time indeed, as many of the French citizens no longer trust Macron and his promises for making economic, social reforms in France. Le Pen and the senior members of the French National Rally, argue that the Socialist and Conservative Parties won't be able to redefine themselves in the near future, given the crisis that has stuck the two traditional French parties.
The removal of Socialist and Conservative candidates in the 2017 general election, was well indicating the political and social isolation of these two traditional parties in French society. As a result, French citizens should once again choose between Macron and Le Pen. Le Pen believes that indicating a new face in France political scene as an independent politician is not possible under the current situation, and that's because the bitter experience of Macron's presence at the Elysée Palace prevents the formation of such a phenomenon.
Le Pen is now trying to remove Macron from power through holding an early elections; "It is necessary to implement proportional representation and dissolve the National Assembly in order to hold new proportional elections".
Simultaneously, she attempts to attract the attention of French citizens to herself as France's next president.
"We believe that the way out of the crisis is essentially political. This decision excludes any use of violence that only adds chaos to adversity," Le Pen said in a letter published on the party's website.
Le Pen also emphasized that the political solution to the recent crisis depended on the French officials, while uttering that French President Emmanuel Macron "is deprived of sympathy for the people, constrained by arrogance and indifference of the elites."
It is not clear, however, that Le Pen's calculations would all come true. The French National Rally President opened a special account on Macron's former supporters to change their minds, and as a result, their votes to her benefit! This is while some of these votes may turn into silent votes or white votes.
Also, it's quite possible that France political atmosphere in 2017, would once again repeat in 2022, or during the country's possible early elections. In this case, to right-wing extremists of French National Rally are going to lose the elections again. Therefore, Le Pen is really cautious about her positions right now, though she believes that Macron's incapability provided the ground for her political and social success in Paris.