‘No serious military threat against Iran’

TEHRAN – The commander of the Passive Defense Organization said on Sunday that no serious military threat against the Islamic Republic exists at the moment, Fars reported.
“As the Leader of the [Islamic] Revolution said, ‘the option of war is the final threat which has been thwarted by Iran’s defense power’,” said Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali during a press conference.
Jalali said a new wave of threats in non-military fields has been launched by the United States, first of which is the economic war.
He also said the first mission of the Passive Defense Organization is to watch out for threats, identify them and issue warnings in different fields.
The second mission of the organization is to decrease the vulnerability of the country’s infrastructure against national threats, he remarked.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Jalali pointed to the upcoming U.S. sanctions against Tehran, which will go into force on November 4, saying Washington’s anti-Iran sanctions have failed and its new sanctions will fail as well.
“Americans said earlier this year that a hot summer was underway,” he said, adding that false information by the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) terrorist group has led to the adoption of a wrong approach vis-a-vis Iran by the U.S.
He went on to say that the Islamic Republic is carrying out measures to strengthen its infrastructure against any type of threats.