Fear of war among Israeli army

TEHRAN - The Zionists are very worried about the situation of their internal front. However, they have tried to practice military maneuver in case of possible war with Hezbollah, and they have a huge budget of 30 billion shekels for its military to protect its internal front from missile attacks from Gaza or by Hezbollah.
According to Amos Gilad, former head of the Defense Ministry's diplomatic-security, the Israeli military’s report on future war scenarios include the deployment of hundreds of thousands of Israelis to cope with hundreds of missiles.
Gilad has warned about war and the threats and said the missiles in the north have targeted Israel, including Tel Aviv, and this requires that the army and security institutions be fully prepared.
The Israeli authorities will do their best to assure victory in any upcoming war with Hezbollah, but according to Zionist media outlets, Israelis do not completely trust their defense systems.
The Merkava tank, spoken of by the Zionists glowingly, was not particularly effective during the previous war. After the war, Zionist commanders were forced to beef up their armored units.
Meanwhile, in recent reports from the Zionist media, the number of troops participating in the Israeli regime's psychotherapy sessions is increasing. The Zionist troops are afraid of war missions which are a nightmare for them. Some soldiers also run away from military service.
Ray al-Youm newspaper pointing to the weakness of the Zionist Army's armed forces: “Since 1948, the army of the occupation regime has relied much on the air force in the wars with the Arab armies and in the war of 1967 the battle was won the occupation regime within six days. Tel Aviv's leaders seem to have relied on former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s words when he said the sea is the same sea, and the Arabs are the same Arabs, but the IDF has not moved towards the development of ground forces to cope with new challenges. In particular, Arab movements and military groups have emerged that have presented real challenges to the Zionists.
This media writes: in the military, the air force alone cannot determine the fate of war with groups that are waging a guerrilla war. This brought Israel into a state of psychological shock or fear of land warfare against its enemies given material and human losses.
In Amos Harel’s opinion as one of Israel's leading media experts on military and defense issues writing in Haaretz, the Israeli ground forces still suffer from major problems that make ground warfare a nightmare for the Zionists.
Ray al-Youm added: this Israeli analyst says the Israeli army failed to defeat Hamas entirely. The Israeli Air Force did not have any detailed information on Hamas objectives, and the level of preparedness of the units to carry out the mission to solve the problem of tunnels was weak. The Israeli forces suffered a lack of initiative and strategic thinking.
According to the Zionist analyst, the Israel army's problem is not in its command but in a professional crisis within the ground forces. Gadi Eizenkot, the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces has found that the army has not been well focused on its basic missions.
After the defeat in Lebanon and the disappointing military performance, the Israeli army made extensive reforms, but the changes were not sufficiently deep, and the ground forces were still not that prepared. Political circles were skeptical of maneuvering ground forces into the enemy's lands during the war. This was the case in the three wars that the Israeli army launched in Gaza: the Cast Lead 2008, whose main objective was to prove to the enemy and the Israelis that the army had gained its fidelity, the Pillar of Cloud 2012, during which a lot of forces were summoned, and Solid Rock 2014 war that did not go beyond the tunnels 1.5 kilometers deep in the Gaza Strip. Objectives were not sufficiently met in these wars but Gaza was nonetheless devastated.
It is obvious that Zionist troops are afraid of war and this has become a challenge for the Zionist regime. In spite of the propaganda about equipping the ground forces with new weapons, the reality is that the regime's ground forces are still ineffective. Despite massive maneuvers and military exercises by the regime aimed at overcoming the many problems, they still are proving difficult obstacles.